mardi 19 août 2014

Timimoun: The Red town

A BOOK illustrates corporate Maghreb written by one A. Missoum on "colonial ethnologies" whose premise has contributed to the marginalization of the discipline in the aftermath of the independence of our country. Made from a researcher of North African origin who pose a new look at society and Gourara these anthropological concepts Beyond ruptures: the emphasis is treated on the sacred, especially and holiness that anthropologists have contributed classified in a somewhat ambiguous under the label of "cult of saints" then. Without denying it decisive weight of the sacred in the organization of society Gourara. It is true that the sacred is exercised so much more complex and much richer in final. This wealth is reflected in the data that are collected two regions of South-West of Algeria, Saura and Gourara. Desert regions where human settlement is related to the control of water through the system of foggaras. This water control has enabled the development of oasis and led to the creation of very specific sedentary settlements, ksours, housing centers, the original architectural style manifested by the Sudanese influences and showing links with the old caravan black Africa. These remote areas bordering the Sahara with Moroccan influences.

Social life was when she turns around a religious holiday: the Mawlid, the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet observed Kenadsa (Souara) and Timimoune (Gourara). This festival usually devoted to the praise of the Prophet during a night of reflection, prayer and celebration takes the form of a pilgrimage that brings people of all ksours and those who have migrated to the cities and even abroad. This is a moment of intense mobilization of the sacred. A space and a time of devotion, which combine the patron saints of these institutions and the prophetic commemoration in an intended ambiguity. Based ceremony as a sort of "collective memorial", restoring the time of the origins of this community organized around their holy founders. This festival is an "image deployment." To better realize the deeper meanings, symbolic but also ethical, emotional, aesthetic, etc. These images are organized on the stage of the pilgrimage by borrowing from multiple registers incantatory word, chanted or sung invoking the names of God and the Prophet, through poems for this occasion and recitations of the Qur'an. That the gesture embodied in dances and baroud rifles trained men to heaven.

One week Timimoune involves all ksours Gourara, rhythmic commemorative stops on sacred places (tombs, mosques, and Ziaretes seat, places of brotherhood celebration of the founders, saints etc.). That of commensal and hospitality on the occasion which are supported visitors by sharing barley couscous and camel meat. Signs that, ultimately, self-definition, or rather "we", referring for example to this problem of horizontality of human works, as evidenced by the architectural frame, and vertical relationships with the eternal that appears in the same frame (minaret mosques, domes surmounting the tombs of saints), but also, on the occasion of the festival, through banners waved, faced different communities she meets.

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